Hi there friends! Welcome to Debbiedoo’s. Today I am sharing my BOHO printables free art for you. The BOHO in me is really on fleek these days. I have always been a free spirit in nature kind of gal. I see the older I get the more I embrace this and have come to my center:) I am not a YOGI btw. Although, I dream about it. HA.
If you are new here welcome. I hope you stick around and check out some of my BOHO style. We have two homes, one our main hub which is more of Farmhouse style NOT white, and then our little condo in Charleston, SC that is fun, eclectic, thrifted, gifted and loved. When I say gifted, I mean some of the decor inside has been gifted. I wish the condo was gifted:)
Here are a few snippets of our condo that you may find some inspiration.
Now onto your free Boho Printable art.
To achieve the highest quality look, I recommend using card stock paper to print. You can of course use any color paper you like. Always be sure your printer settings are set to custom, high print.

These prints are 8 x 10 size. As you can see you can simply use clip boards to hang, or find a pretty, nifty picture frame. Do with what you will and enjoy.
You can hang them in sets, pairs, or scatter about. I tried to make them universal for all ages. Free spirit, young and old for all to enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope to see you back again. See down below my BOHO pics, blankets, frames and cardstock paper.
BOHO Printables Free art

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