According to “TeleFlora”, The sunflower is the 3rd wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of Kansas.. Sunflowers turn to follow the sun and their open faces symbolize the sun itself, conveying warmth and happiness, adoration and longevity! So, if the person you are buying them for is a cheerful, happy go lucky, “ray” of sunshine, the sunflower is a perfect gift and a thoughtful one as well!
Today, I am sharing all things Sunflowers.
I absolutely adore sunflowers. In fact, I like them all year round, not just for the fall season.
I thought I would share with you all the ways I have incorporated Sunflowers in our decor and home, per season.
Pretty much this is just a pretty post of pictures to brighten your day.
All the links are below the pictures to take you to the actual post or project.
Fall decorating in the kitchen
These sunflowers were not even open yet. This vase here is one of my
Painted and stenciled vasesFree Sunflower printable here
I have a thing for owls too. I just think they are adorable.
The pitcher my Mom gave me one year for our Anniversary. It goes with the platter above in our Summer kitchen.
Burlap no sew valances I once had:)
I can’t say I miss them much. I had them up for about 4 years. And they were free!
another burlap rag wreath for the kitchen with a sunflower.
Sunflower under cloche, I love how this looks. I must go dig out my cloche and do this again.
Sunflowers and roosters Spring kitchen
Did you know my roosters talk to me? Yes, they do:)
with an array of wild flowers and sunflowers in diy recycled cans and jars
I don’t think I realized just how much I have incorporated sunflowers in my decor. I told ya I love them!
Even in a gift giving basket for your hostess.
Oh and I can’t forget my Mom’s garden.
What would Halloween be with out Sunflowers and black crows?
I love Halloween. Well, at least I used to when the boys were small. I will probably still decorate this year but not as much. I say that now until all the bins come out. I have a ton of Halloween decor mostly all from the Dollar tree, of course.
Hope you enjoyed my All things Sunflower post. A few more tidbits for you.
While they are stunningly beautiful, they also are rich in history and meaning.
Sunflowers originated in the Americas in 1,000 B.C., and were then cultivated as a valuable food source for centuries. Sunflower was used in many ways throughout the various American Indian tribes. Seed was ground or pounded into flour for cakes, mush or bread. Some tribes mixed the meal with other vegetables such as beans, squash, and corn. The seed was also cracked and eaten for a snack. There are references of squeezing the oil from the seed and using the oil in making bread.
Always something new to learn. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have a bright sunshiny day.
If you are new here, I would love to see you back again.
I am taking a few days off to regroup and get our younger son ready to start High school! Big times in our house these days. One off to College and one starting High school. Just wish they would stay little a tad longer. Although, I probably didn’t think that when they were toddlers:) But it sure has gone by fast. Too fast for this Momma.
Check out my gallery of ideas while you here. I have many, so grab a cup of coffee and stay a while.
Thank you so much for visiting with me today.
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HI Debbie Dear! Oh, I just love this post and it reminds me I need to dig out my sunflowers! I love all of your pretty displays and photography is so crisp and clear! Fall is just around the corner. Where did the summer go? 🙂
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
I love Sunflowers. They are easy to grow. I have them planted all around the yard. And the birds love them!! It’s funny,Sunflowers bloom in the summer but ate used as a Fall decoration. Hope You are doing ok with your son away. Yes I also would like a ‘Pleasant” day with our sons as toddlers again.
I am doing well Kathy! Although, last night he texted me that his clock fell off the wall and shattered. I used 3M and used the over and above weight limit. I am so thankful it did not fall on his head. Not a happy camper with 3M! I would not recommend using them.
Love the sunflowers! And I love your fireplace screen. May I ask where you got that and is it metal?
It is metal. We order it from I believe home decorators catalog years ago:) Thank you!
My sunflowers are blooming right now and I can’t wait to do a little decorating with them, there such a happy flower 🙂
Fall would not be Fall without sunflowers. I saw them just yesterday at the grocery but did not pick up any. I’m for sure getting some the next time. Your projects are really amazing when you see them all in one place. Thank you!
Thanks Ann! That is so kind to say.
I love what you have done with the sunflowers! They are so happy!! had some growing for the first time this summer but the darned power company stomped on them 🙁 Ill have to pick up some plastic oonea from the dollar store!!
Of course you need too! You better get them quick though:)
Happy Sunflower Sunday to you Debbie,
Your sunflower decor is wonderful; so happy and bright. I love the sunflowers also; grow lots of em and save the seed heads for the birdies. I have some neat ideas for making pretty displays that also feed them. I’ve been looking at all your Fall deor from the years past; love em all. Your mantel is very nice (well I should have said “everything you have is very nice”)! I look forward to each new email from you; thank you.
Have a wonderful Sunday and a great week.
p.s. Hope Alex is doing well (I’m sure he is).
Thanks Carol! Alex is doing very well:) He has been busy since the moment he arrived. Thanks for your sweet visit as always. xo Happy Sunshiny Sunday to you too.
Love your sunflower ideas’. They are on of my favorite flowers.
I love Sunflower’s to I planted few this year ,first time ever planted them , learn that they love water lot’s lot’s water lol going try again next year ,You can use them anytime
We are in the middle of August. The last few weeks of summer. I love fall but that also means winter is coming. So please forgive me for holding off til the middle of September before I start decorating for autumn. I do love sunflowers and pumpkins tho.
I cannot wait to get some sunflowers after seeing this post….they do make you happy don’t they?…and I love the quote by the remarkable Helen Keller….
I asked my husband to pick me some sunflowers and he said they had too many bugs!!! Guess I’ll have to go with the fake ones!!! Love them so much.
Never saw a bug not even once lol!
Sunflowers make me happy.Thanks for sharing.
I’m a fan of sunflowers they are happy flowers . You have a wonderful collection. Love the piece on the back of the cooktop