Hey there everyone!
Today I am sharing and shouting about the current Weight Watchers Lose For Good® campaign.
Calling on all Weight Watchers members:
Now through 10/12, as you lose weight, Weight Watchers will donate to help feed families in need.
You may have noticed lately that I have been sharing some Weight Watchers recipes of my own with you.
Did you know I was a lifetime member?
Yes, indeed, 12 years ago, after the birth of our second son, I joined Weight Watchers and proud to say, 12 years later, I’m still on plan.
Weight Watchers actually became a way of life for me, not a diet.
I truly never have felt I was on a diet. Portion control, counting points, exercising, and using the tools and tips I was given has helped me maintain where I am today.
Well, I have to be honest here as well….
I am about 6 lbs over my goal, but quickly getting back on track again, and have started walking 3 days a week.
Feels great!
I have also recently shared with you an awesome muffin recipe with pumpkin. Perfect for this time of year, and the best part is, my family LOVES them too. In fact, they like all the Weight Watchers recipes I make. They don’t even know they are WW 🙂
These pumpkin muffins are to die for!
By losing weight during the Lose For Good® campaign, Members and Subscribers can help Weight Watchers donate to two organizations helping feed children in need.
The recipes they share are simply delicious. We love fish tacos, and these look so good.
Guess what we will be eating tomorrow? 🙂
and then of course there is dessert.
Dessert anyone?
Can’t wait to try!
You can check out these two Weight Watchers recipes
As members lose weight, Weight Watchers will donate to their charitable partners.
Weighing in at meetings or tracking your weight online will count toward the donation.
However, anyone can help spread the word.
Lose weight, help fight hunger.
For more info check it out
Also, be sure to check out Weight Watchers Facebook page and visit their Lose For Good® recipe tab for more tasty recipes.
What a perfect time for me to get back on track and contribute to a wonderful cause.
Hope you will too!
Thanks for stopping by today.
You look great Debbie! I love your hair in that short style…very chic! Hugs!
You are so pretty. When my Mom saw your picture she said, “ohhh…she’s good looking!” 🙂 I’m back on a plan myself. If it doesn’t work, I may try WW. Thanks for the inspiration!!
excellent!! Sounds wonderful and you always look wonderful, good for you for such discipline,
You look so fantastic. Weight watchers does work. I love your cute hair cut too. Adorable.
Weight watchers works! I have done it a couple of times online-easy and good food.
I’m trying to get to goal and lifetime!!! Working on it!
Wow! You look great Debbie. Love the new hair color too. Peggy
I need to get back on a program too. You look terrific!
Happy Weekend, Debbie………Sarah
Good luck on reaching goal. I’m a WW lifetime member. Thanks for the pumpkin muffins. I will have to try them!