I have mentioned on a few two, three, ten, occasions that my hubby has reunited with his Dad after many years. Well I have to say this has been one of the best years of our time together. Our family is completely complete. This weekend Dad and Wife Donna came for a visit. We decided we would take him fishing with the boys on the boat…we also went to the Lake today just because it was a dreary day, but great for fishing day. I thought I would share some pics with you.
This is a rare occasion when Michael and I get a picture together…I think he is just happy this weekend:) I wish it was a better one, but you get what you get.
But of course Alex makes up for the great photos as always…sorry now onto the nice pictures…..
We had a great day yesterday of fishing on the boat…the boys where proud to catch a couple nice cat fish with their Grampa Paul, who was ever so patient…….I told him he never missed much while the boys where little, he is getting the best of times NOW….
Jack tying ever so patiently to actually learn something…you mean he is listening?….COOL!!~
Eating is never a shortage when you come hang out with us…in fact in 2 months I have gained 7 lbs…I was a bit depressed today…and cut back a tad on eating…it is so hard though when you just enjoy life and eating….
This truly is the best BBQ you ever had and so close to home….
It’s the real deal down here in the South!
Mike’s Dad of course is the guy not looking…he apparently is not a picture guy…oh well….here is some more fishing shots….I have told you it takes a special Mom to boys….yes that would be me….
Notice more band aids for Jack…he fell off his scooter today…unbelievable this kid of mine!
Nice way to end the day though…the boys swinging and talking together overlooking our beautiful lake. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone….thanks for stopping by. Debbie
Also I have a question…has anyone actually printed a book yet from blogger? I am so excited to do this at the end o the year. My blog is so personal( besides the fact of sharing it with hundreds of people a day) I want my boys to have copies of this for themselves, as I share our fun, filled life, and crazy stories along the way. And of course they would love to see all the decorating in print HAHA! . Just wondering if you have or know someone who has.
Joining Susan this week for outdoor Wednesday
always nice to see a happy family. the last pic of your sons on the swing is just special i hope that is headed to a frame!
Hi, Debbie! I am so glad your dad and his father have reconnected. I think I read my friend Beth @ http://bethinnc.blogspot.com/ might have printed her blog in book form, but I can't remember for sure. I'm sure she would respond, if you ask her. She's a personal friend of mine, and she's usually very quick about getting back w/ you. What ever happened to WOW in Mooresville? I haven't heard any more about it, or seen you on tv recently (not that I get to see anything but Disney and Nick, since school is out! LOL!
Oh gosh Debbie, that was lovely…I have a lump in my throat:(
My dad and I were estranged for many years but when I was around
30 we reunited and have stayed close since. Now I'm estranged from my mom so I just can't win!!! I didn't grow up with family around tho, we left everyone back in England. My boys are too old to feel close to my husbands family but they're very close with my ex-husbands family so that's a good thing:)
Anywho, sorry to be so wordy but that was such a lovely and heartwarming post and I have a feeling some certain warm hearted person whose name starts with a D and ends with an E has something to with all that family closeness:):):)
This was a beautiful post, definitely one worth treasuring forever and printing these memories in a book is the way to go for sure. I have been thinking about the book idea too so I will be interested to see if you get any positive feedback.
Have a fabulous Sunday!
Best wishes,
Wonderful to spend time with family!
Awww Debbie, that is such a great post. I lost my dad to cancer before we could mend our broken relationship. Its great for your boys to get to spend time with him. Ive been researching more into Rock Hill and if the little obstacles we need to overcome to move out of Jersey pan out then I think Rock Hill it is. I was checking out the shops and town life. Its so wonderful and your right you show up on the map pretty darn close. I sooooo love BBQ and would probable gain all my baby weight back down there. Thanks again for all your great advice.
What great pictures. This is what life's all about – not the job and the material things.
I'm looking forward to the day when my family can spend the day fishing.
All the best,
What great pictures!~
I'm so glad your husband and his dad were able to reunite and you could all make some happy memories together. 🙂
Your boys always make me laugh. I don't have a son, but I do have a brother. Boys are something else!!
Oooh! I love that brothers talking picture! and the family picture. You look so happy everywhere, I think that makes up for it all!
Yay for reunion!!! I remember abut that from the tattoo post.
Book??? This is going to be soooooo cool! Wow. I want to scream, "I want a copy too!" 😀 😀
I don't know anyone who did it, but maybe google searching could help.. Maybe.
I am so excited for you!!!
Hey Debbie, where is the Summer going! I can't believe we are nearly into August. Been busy but I wanted to stop in and see what you've been up to. What a great time you guys had fishing!
And the size of that bbq! Would feed an army I'm sure.
Hope to get back to visiting regularly once my little one goes back to preschool in September. Until then, I'll be by when I can.
Take Care!
What a great post, I read every word and really enjoyed it – you are such a genuine person – too bad we live several states apart!! When you figure out how to do that book thing, I hope you will blog about it, too! I would love to do the same – I think of my blog as a journal. (:
Sounds like your family is having an enjoyable weekend. I have not printed my blog – yet. i have thought about it a couple of times, but I would have t go in and do so much clean up. Typing errors, spelling, etc. Still thinking about it tho.
Sweet family moments. Looks like a good visit. ~ Sarah
So glad y'all have had such a good weekend. Glad Mike and his Dad reconnected, too. I wish my dad and I were closer.
I love the last pic of your boys, that's a great shot. I am glad Mike is very happy, and girl you look hot 7 pounds or not!
Love ya!
Beautiful photo's (especially the last photo). I am so glad your family had a great weekend. Looks like great memories.
One of the girls at "Poppies at Play" have made a book from her blog. She has a post in her archives that tells you how to do it. (she prints one every year)
Good Luck. Let us know how you make out!
This is wonderful! Looks like you have had a great weekend so far! I really love that last photo of the boys on the swing! Priceless! I would love to hear more about this blog book thing too! It sounds wonderful! Keep us posted about it, Okay? Have a great remainder of the weekend.
It is really sad when there is a missing link in a family. We have one in ours and I hope someday this family member will return to the fold.
I'm with ChRiS. That picture needs a frame! Priceless…
Ladybug Creek
(And I would have copies made for each boy.. someday they will truly appreciate it!)
What a great post. We have some disconnected parts in my family and it's nice to know things can be healed. Love the worm photos. On Thursday I got to go to the library with my son and some friends so they could touch snakes and other slimy things. Boys sre so much fun.
Debbie you have to blow the pix of the boys in the swing up, that is stunning girl and worthy of an award. I do my books with Heritage makers, they are a digital scrapbooking company and I LOVE them. The graphics are the best there is. Check out my site http://www.artisticmoments4U.com and you can see what I mean. I am a consultant for them.
Looks like you all had a great time! I didn't know blogger did a book. But it's a great idea.
Deebbie, definately makes for beautiful memories! It is wonderful that your husband and his father got reunited.. Life's just too darn short not to be in each other's family lives, that's for sure! My real Mom and I had several years without us having any contact with each other whatsoever, but we did manage to reunite a few years before she passed away, which I am forever grateful! I am so happy to say that I took that first step to reunite with my Mom…
Awwww, you have such a handsome family!
Great photos!!! Sounds like a really nice time. I haven't done the blogger book yet, I found it about a year ago when I first started my blog and thought it was the coolest idea ever!!
Glad you are having a great weekend! Love that last picture of your boys! DEFINITELY frame worthy! 🙂
This is such a lovely post, Debbie~ making family memories and connections…made me smile!
I really enjoyed reading this post Debbie, looks like you are enjoying your summer spent with family.
What a wonderful weekend! Nice to hear about your husband and his father :o) Katie @ http://www.therowefam.blogspot.com has been printing her blog entries. If you type in blog book in the search at the top it will take you to 6/1/10 where she talks about it and also has a photo. She also just gave birth to a little cutie! Hang in there – I have put on about 10lbs since winter and darn it if I can get it off. Gym is calling my name. Ha!
As usual Debbie, great story and great photos. I like the one with the swing the best!
What a beautiful picture of them on the swing. That is one to frame for sure!! Glad you are having a great time with the in-laws!
What a beautiful summer time post, Debbie! I'm glad things work out for Mike and his dad.
The last photo of your sons is so endearing!
I'm glad your husband & his Dad are working things out. Life's too short.
I love, love, love the picture of your sons on the swing. What a treasure!
Looks like you guys where haveing a wonderful time together.Iam so glad
Mike step mom and Father are truely the real deal they look like they are enjoying the boys so much and have postive things to bring into their lifes.Well put the nana on the list for that photo i want on for sure its lovely
Hi Debbie
My daughter has printed her blog from last year, and plans to do so again this year. She has two young girls and wants to print one book each year.
Love the first photo of you and your man! You guys are a beautiful couple! I am so happy that your husband has been reunited with his father. You only have one biological dad in this life, that's for sure!
I'm linked up to the partee!!
Very nice photos and love the one of the boys on the swing. Very emotionally captured. Glad you had a super weekend!
OK well girl let me tell you, you are so stinkin cute and have the most charming smile! Oh and hubby's cute too, oh and the boys too:)
And I would love to know how to print a book from blogger! I had no idea you could do that! When you figure it out let me know…even when you become the new Oprah, don't forget my blog or email address, cause by then your handlers won't let any of us old bloggers near you:)
Ok I'll stop talking, but just wanted to say, I had a similar situation happen with my dad.
Hugs girl!
PS…one more thing…
I just love your last photo of the boys! That one is frame worthy!
It always warms my heart when parent and child reunite. My hubby and our daughter are starting to talk again after some time. It's always nice to see that happen. Good wishes to your whole family.
Love the first picture of you guys and especially the last one of the boys on the swing! Looks like you guys are having the nicest time together!
I plan on using the website Blog2Print for my book. Our trip to Europe was really the reason I started to blog. I was going to blog about it, print it, and then not really do much more! Yeah, that happened!
Thanks for the follow Debbie! Woo hoo! I'm returning the favor!
I see where Ms. Tardevil mentioned my name. :o) I hope what I suggested works well for you!
Take care!
Oh, I love that last photo! Looks like wonderful family times.
Great shot of you and hubby. That's cool that his Dad is getting to spend time with his grandchildren 😀
The grill looks like serious business 😀
Sweet, sweet post. Glad your hubby and dad have reconnected. I know your boys are excited.One more person to help spoil them. That's what papas are for.
Love the pic of the boys on the swing! Would that be Lake Norman? I'm from Ohio but just had our 2 sons move to Charlotte. They have a boat and spend time on the Lake!
Leigh Ann
Hi Debbie–
Thanks for sharing, these are wonderful moments! You and you family are adorable.
It's so wonderful to teach your children about forgiveness and accepting family no matter what! That is awesome! & I love the comment you made to their grandfather, that he didn't miss much and getting the best of them now (or something like that :-). So kind and generous a family have! That's the way we should be raising our children & leading by example! You're such an awesome mom, esp. having boys! ha… I can so relate to those bandaids and bugs!! Wait until that are in high school sports and possibly leave the football bags in the laundry room without telling you they are behind the door all weekend. Whew…. (I have no idea how bugs reminded me of that… but it did). lol
Glad you had such a great 'family' weekend!!
Not me, never published my blog as of yet. Good Luck with your doing it.
Great pixs. Looks like everyone was having fun. What handsome boys you have. I know you're overjoyed that the family's reunited again….Oooo, Christmas is going to fun this year, right?
I thought i was in the wrong place for a moment, families are so precious every moment is like a piece of treasure. I love the last pic of your sons
The swing image of your boys is something specail. Printing a book is a grand idea.
hugs ♥ olive
Love that your all reunited and spending those special moments together! The swing picture is wonderful!
This looks like you all had a wonderful time! The last picture will definitely be one to treasure!
It is so nice to hear that a father and son reunite. My father hasn't been around since I was 5 and a part of me is missing. I am also a mother to two boys, but mine are all gorwn up and they are the love of our lives…I especially love the last photo…so touching!
Great swing photo. I can see it now on the wall with a decopauge matting and spray painted frame! Nice that reconnects do happen. Might be hope with the boy yet.
I never have been close, I only mean this in the mushy way with my dad, but since his illness that has changed. Its hard though because the tears just come for both. Photos are precious but the memories never fade. Its always been work work with me, not so much anymore. Time with parents is utterly important.
thanks for always being so family oriented! More can follow in this world. Carrie