Turn-of-the Century farmhouse home tour
Karianne from Thistlewood farm.
Knock knock….who’s there?
WHO, say what?…the editor from *******
{insert fabulous magazine here}
Who are you looking for?
“You saw my longest toes post on my blog didn’t you? And you want to feature them?
Yes Maam…they were fascinating!
Well, OK, I just finished painting my toes.., in between cooking Mac and cheese, and singing we are the champions…but come on in…the place is a mess.
I do have four children you know!
Did I mention I wear hot red lipstick while walking?
“Can you please mention that in the article”?
OK.. OK kidding aside…let’s take the tour!
{Those are true facts btw}
You are certainly in for a BIG treat with Karianne’s turn-of-the Century farmhouse home!
Thanks for taking the tour!
Turn-of-the Century farmhouse home tour
There is certainly much more over at Thistlewood farm.
Each Link takes you to a more detailed view of Karianne’s fabulous Home.
She is a real HOOT and a half, and you know I love ya if you have a sense of humor, and can totally poke fun of yourself.
Karianne CAN!
Hey Karianne…just remember when the magazine editors do call…
remember us little peeps out here would ya!
Thank you for having us over….
Oh wow, her home is gorgeous with a capital G! I think I could seriously live in that kitchen and never want to leave. I’m heading over to her blog for more.
Isn’t it just gorgeous? I LOVE it! She has great taste and the color in the kids’ areas is just perfect. xo Diana
I would love to live here! I love Karianne’s home, her blog and her sense of humor! I am so glad that I’ll be seeing her soon at Haven!
Gorgeous home indeed! I love those chairs in the study area. Thanks for sharing!
I love her home and have ever since I found her blog. She is so genuine and funny. I know one day her home will be in a magazine or book somewhere.
stunning home, wonderful writer… a delight to watch and read each day!
Beautiful home Karianne, you should be on the cover!
I love Karianne and I love her dreamy home! Thanks for sharing with us today.
Sharon @ mrs. hines class
Every time I see Karianne’s house, I go into a trance. It is so stunningly beautiful. Thanks again for sharing – although now I won’t get any work done today. Just daydream. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
I am so glad you put the part in there about the lipstick! Bless my heart…..I would never want to be caught lipstickless :)You are a rock star and you made my entire day! I was laughing my head off at your writing 🙂 You are so funny and such a wonderful, wonderful friend!
Have an awesome day!
Pleasure to have you over! You are such a cutie pie:)
I love Karianne’s house almost as much as I love her!
Awesome tour Debbie! I love Karianne’s beautiful home and have been a happy follower of her’s!
Karianne’s home is just gorgeous and these pictues show them off beautifully! She has such a great knack for putting things together. I am in love with her kitchen! Great idea to have someone take pictures that really do her home justice.
Oh Debbie you really have Kari’s number, don’t you! Made me chuckle …
She is a true talent, a wonderful friend, and … on top of all that … has the most beautiful home!
Karianne has such a pretty home Debbie, thanks for showing her off and sharing!!
Love her style and she writes so well… I always wonder what will come outta her mouth 😉
Karianne is fabulous, her home is fabulous and I’m pretty sure I would be fabulous too if I hung out with her there! LOL! Truly though, she is so talented and her home is the perfect reflection of her creativity and warm personality. The fact that she is hilarious is the perfect added bonus. 🙂 So glad you shared this one with us Debbie!
What a beautiful home. I love the kitchen and the quest bath. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.
I always end up with turn-of-the-century farmhouse envy when I see pics of KariAnne’s abode… and how the he** does she keep it clean with four kids running around??
Great choice, Debbie!
xo Heidi
LOOOOOOVE this home!!! 😀 That kitchen is *perfect*
She has the prettiest home! I fell in love with it the first time I saw it last year. I love hearing the story behind their move too. Just shows you that you should sometimes break out of your comfort zone and see what happens.
Thanks, Deb!
Karianne’s house is amazing, and so is SHE.
Have a fabulous weekend!!
Wow! What a beautiful home!! Love it.
Thanks for your nice comments on the wreath. It is definitely cheeful looking. =) Glad you joined the party!
What an amazing home! It looks perfect…but also inviting and very livable! Nice post!
I just love the ever-so-talented and funny Karianne. Her home is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it all.
Have a great weekend.
Beautiful, beautiful. I hope it doesn’t look JUST like that when they aren’t taking pictures. They do live in the house right? If it always looks like that I’m gettting a complex!
Wow gorgeous house….I love every single room…..now I hate my house and want hers! Happy Weekend!
OMG, her home is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love every single thing you showed us. Thanks so much for introducing her, I will go to her blog now. I have got to see mORE!!!! Every space is beautifully done. Can’t wait to “meet” her! XO, Pinky
Kari’s house rocks and the icing on the cake is that she’s hysterical and nice as can be!
What fun to see her house in lights here Debbie!
When Kari’s giving her acceptance speech one day, I know she’ll give a special shout out to all her fabulous friends!
Love Karianne’s home and blog! I always see something different when I go by! This time here I noticed that darling “Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory” plaque. She had me singing that little VBS Diddy!
Such a beautiful home, thanks for sharing! Blessings, Tammy
Wow, wow, wow! What a beautiful home. Karianne has fantastic style.
Um, when can I move in? This house is darling! So much charm, I’m in love.
Karianne is funny and sweet…and her house is really wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Debbie!
Hi Debbie…you are so nice to do these features. I have enjoyed every one. Kari is a hoot I agree and her house is amazing. Hope all is well with you. Looks like you have totally figured out WordPress. I am still waiting on my blog designer. I’m beginning to think my move will never happen and honestly I’m starting to get cold feet. Oh well…hope you have a fun and beautiful weekend! ~Ann
Yeap. I could live in this farmhouse in a New York Sec. I might have to throw a wee little bit of color around. But, do gotta love the white. Just not for Scooter and me with our gardening shoes tracking in and all. So, glad to be back and slowly getting into the swing of things after a nice break. I needed it and am going to come back slowly without it consuming my time up now. Always good to see what you are up to with that creative mind. Love the new blog look you go with the change. Glad to see things are settling back down for ya. Have a great weekend.
Been gone all day at an antique fair and just saw this post…KariAnne’s home is magnificent….Her beautiful personality is in every corner of that home…..even if that corner may have remnants of Captain Crunch and dust bunnies that she is marketing…A beautiful home enveloping a beautiful family….
Great feature Debbie…you chose a wonderful home to feature!!!….
Great home, great blogger, and being at Thistlewood always leaves me singing…………….Heyyyyyy Kariannne what’s your game now can anybody play?
I’ve never seen the outside of Karianne’s home! It is so beautiful! I love old farmhouses. Karianne is a hoot but also very genuine and it’s such a joy to read her blog. Thank you for a great feature Debbie. I just discovered your fabulous blog and am a new follower. 🙂
Debbie, thanks for the tour… her home is lovely, and i went directly to her site to follow her, so inspiring! Little Bit from http://www.DecorateWithaLittleBit.com
Debbie, Thanks for getting in the door. This home is so lovely yet it looks like real people live there. WOW!
Oh, what a dreamy home! I haven’t had time to really browse Karianne’s blog to see most of this beauty.
Just a beautiful home. Reminds me of my favorite decorator, Sarah Richardson..Happy Weekend..Judy
I love love love Karianne’s home. Visiting is sheer pleasure! Thanks for featuring Thistlewood Farm, Debbie.
I’ve visited her blog before and fell in love the first time I visited. Thanks for taking us all on another house tour.
This is it! I have loved every house you have toured so far, but this is the one that lives in my head. I love it and only wish that I lived in an hold home too. And of course, it would have to have a whimsical name to go with it. I am making a beeline to this blog to click follow. I want to see more, and I’ve never seen this blogger before.
Love your home tours. There are as many beautiful homes as bloggers in blog land. No need for you to EVER stop the feature.
Not too demanding, am I?
Debbie, Her home is fabulous! Thanks for the introduction
That is one of the most gorgeous houses I’ve ever seen – WOW!!!
Karianne’s entire home is beautiful, but her kitchen is just stunning. Thanks for sharing her home with us Debbie!
Karianne’s home has always been one of my favorites! She has amazing taste! Thanx for taking us on a tour!
Tons of character so tastefully done!
Oh how I love house tours and getting little ideas from others and seeing how they live…so pretty! 🙂
The lipstick wearing dreamer sent me. Such a beautiful home, and comfortable-looking. I loved hearing their story of how they “just jumped”. We must never stop dreaming!
Sweet Dreams! Linda @ Grandmalay’s Daydreams