Hello there and a happy Saturday to you all!
Not such a nice one here in the Carolinas today.
Although, temps are good, it is very gloomy and misty here today.
Thought I would share this bench my husband made for me around 4 years ago.
There is a story to it, as most things we have, there is a story.
You see when we first moved to the Carolinas, we fell in love with everything rustic and natural. We would spend hours driving around and looking at other homes and landscapes.
One particular, very upscale I might add neighborhood ( we could not even afford the driveway kinda homes) we loved, had these gorgeous rustic benches, randomly throughout these rolling hills.
I said to my ever so sweet, never did wood working a day in his life husband. “you can so do that”,
he of course, said NO way, I never did anything like that in my life.
You see I have all the confidence in the World in him. I reassured him, he could, and would he at least try?
So off to Lowes we went one fine day, and within a weekend, I had my very own rustic bench. Even better I might add!
He put a lot of time and good quality into this bench. It has been sitting happily near our outdoor fireplace since.
We love it.
Now the house number was just an add on, because the company made a mistake on centering, so they sent us a new one. Instead of wasting it, I thought it would look good on the bench.
This guy hung around me while I was taking pics. Is it me, but does this squirrel have no eye?
Have a great rest of the weekend gals.
I will see you for the Newbie party tomorrow night.
Linking up to
Run for the hills. That squirrel does not have any eyes. My skin is crawling…icks… not a good sign. But, I do love that sign on your bench. And oh, how I want one. Do you think I can get Scott to do? Same here weather wise.
How sweet that you encouraged your husband to try! He did a wonderful job!
I would like one of those benches myself. Maybe I could get MY husband to make me one!♥
I bet you girls could sweet talk your guys into like I did…:)
That squirrel might have just been winking at you because it was such a pretty post. Your hubby did a wonderful job.
Nice bench! Do you have it in your front yard? I think it would be nice to have a pretty bench like that in mine.
Beautiful bench!! Hubby did a fantastic job! I love the little critter, even with one good eye!
Hi, Debbie! I love the bench! I think your sweet hubby did a wonderful job!! I also think that MY husband just 'wants' me to think he can't do things like this…but I'm on to him!! Your bench may be a great project for him to 'learn' on;0)
This bench is in our back yard, or should I say side yard, our back yard is all woods. Thanks for your sweet comments. I will let the hubs know you all think he is great LOL!
Great bench, how about a tutorial for those of us that would like to create one too! It would look great on my porch at the lake house, I can see me sitting there with a glass of wine, reflecting life in the lake's ripples.
Hi Debbie!
It's nasty here, too. It's been raining a lot here and we are experiencing flooding because of it.
Poor little squirrel must have gotten in a fight with something. Your hubby did a nice job on the rustic bench.
I love your bench!! Your hubby did such a good job on it. And yeah that squirrel has no eye. EWWW poor thing someone ate his eyeball 🙁
He did a great job on the bench. Looks very sturdy! And I'm not even sure that guy is a squirrel? Maybe he's cross-bread with something else.
LOVE that bench Debbie! He did a fabulous job!!! What a great view you guys have. Love the added house number too and that squirrel is freaking me out!
I love the bench, your husband did a great job and the address thing was a wonderful add on! I agree, looks like the squirrel has no eye! Weird.
He has no eye for sure!
I'm guessing some kid with a bb gun enucleated him!
Love the bench! I've been talking about hosting a Before Blogging party over on my blog for things that we made or acquired from before blogging. This bench would be perfect for it. Great pics. The sign looks terrific on the bench, I didn't even notice the off center number. I had to scroll back up when you mentioned it. Thanks for sharing.
Love the bench…your sweetie did a great job…poor little squirrel, hope he has the other eye…
Haven't you heard the story about the squirrel with only one eye?! LOL.
I love the bench … the color is beautiful, and I love how you added the plaque. What a sweet hubby you have! Becca
Bad, bad choice to eat lunch while reading this post. I'm plopping along admiring all your gorgeous pics and the bench and BAM!!! a squirrel with no eye!!! I'm feeling nauseous (I've got a thing w/ squirrels to begin with!). But the bench is wonderful!! I agree, a tutorial would be fabulous!!
He's got an eye Debbie;) I just know it. I think he was winking at you cause you are so cute:) Love Love the bench your hubby did a wondeful job, I'll have to show my bench my hubby made me last summer. What is it with hubbies making benches? lol
Debbie, I'm such a animal lover that I feel bad for him, did he seem OK to you? If you see him again you can call wild animal help and they will take him to a place where he can live happily very after…I'm sad… But your bench is AMAZING…have a great weekend
Beautiful bench, amazing what a little encouragement will do!!
Debbie, your husband did such a nice job on the bench. The address plaque looks great on it too!
So sad about the squirrel. 🙂 I hope he was just closing his eye…
Have a great day.
Oooh! I love this bench, it blends in with the surroundings and looks so natural. The number is great. Now that squirrel totally freaks me out, he does look like he has no eye! Eeek! poor little guy, have a good weekend!
You've got yourself a good man there! And, the bench is beautiful 🙂 Looking forward to linking up to your newbie party. It will be my first one… hope I can figure it out!
Sweet bench, tell him nice job! Love your property too… looks so tranquil and secluded.
I like the story behind the bench. The number-plate suits perfectly!
I love the bench! Your husband did a wonderful job. I think hanging the house number on it was a perfect addition to it.
Awwww he done good Debbie! Did he conquer more projects after doing such a great job with this one?
It does look like that poor little squirrel is missing an eye…poor baby. Vanna
Debbie that's a great bench the hubby did an awesome job!!The squirrel on the other hand is freaking me out(LOL)!!!
What a sweet guy to give it a try, no doubt once his talent was out the bag you've had him work on other projects!!
Your backyards looks gorgeous, I can dream about living on a creek!
Your hubby did an awesome job on that bench Debbie! I tell my hubby all the time that he can do it and for the most part he can.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Nice bench and looks very strong too! Your husband did a wonderful job!
Happy weekend!
I love your bench, Debbie! Mike did a great job!
So nice to have a man with many talents. Sounds like he was up for the challenge when you said I know you can make that! It looks great and the address really makes it!
Cute little guy, I'll bet he just doesn't like his picture taken and closes his eyes wishing you away!
That bench is totally awesome. Your hubby did some great work.
Such beautiful & rustic bench! I would like to invite you to share your idea by linking to my blog bash K.I.S.S. Happy to be a new follower too 🙂
Drop by The Tattered Tag
Oh you are right, that bench is so cool!! Squirrel shot is pretty good too 🙂