Ok I am starting to get crazy over here with colors. What I realized the other day, and for those of you who contemplate using yellow on your walls. I am here to tell you GO FOR it! Every accessory I put in my kitchen has seemed to go. At least in my eyes which well maybe that is not such a good thing….but truly I think it does. On my ventures last week of garage salen’ I came across a few things that I was not sure what I would do with them, but bought them anyhow because they where so cheap. In the meantime, I was making some pretty orange burlap pillows. I do not sew and I can tell you stitch witch is my friend. So easy to make a pillow it was ridiculous. Loved the orange color, and burlap is cheap too, 2.99 a yard and if you have a coupon you can get it really cheap. I knew I had to put something on the pillows but had no clue what I wanted. That was until I saw these textured like doilies…I guess they are….there where a whole bunch for 1.00…loved the colors so I grabbed them. When I came home that is when I realized what I would do with them. I also have made a new table runner, which was also a no sew, no brainer project for me. I say this because all you girls who say I can’t do that, or I stink…no you don’t! If I can do it, anyone can. I am no rocket scientist believe me! I decided I would set the table fun today. So funny too, if you have kids you really have to see this you tube video…my son Jack just happened to be watching it when I was setting the table…we have good energy like that…it was hilarious! So let me start with the pillows I made.
I really do not know what those doilies are, they are a thicker texture as you can see..those are two I layered on
Look how nice and neat I sewed NOT! As I mentioned before stitch witch….
Here is my big 1.00 garage sale purchase, I spruced it up with color. The votives where amber which that is what I loved about it.
My home made table runner, love funk and whimsy pattern
This was the kitchen last week, which I love and of course will go back to….I just want to show you how just about every color I add with the warm yellow walls, works…or at least I think so. I am loving the orange this week. We shall see what next week or two brings.
There you be….orange you glad you came? If you have kids, or just want a laugh, go check out this you tube video…annoying orange…my son Jack was belly laughing over this. Have a great weekend everyone. I will be putting up my Mr. Linky every Saturday morning and it will be up until Monday night. Have fun, and I can’t wait to see some more fun finds.!
Thanks for stopping over today. If you are not a regular here, I sure would love to see you back again.
Deb! Bea-u-tiful sewing! You make me wonder where you put old stuff from previous projects?!
Debbie…I am an orange freak…I don’t know if you have ever seen my post about it but my Kitchen Aid mixer is orange so I added little touches of it everywhere! I love it so this post is right up my alley! I may have to come steal those pillows…they are too cute for words and the table runner…DARLING!
I love your home and style…so fun…so you!
What a great post!
I know what you mean about yellow. It goes well with orange, blue, red, green which are all the primary colors so yes, it goes well with anything. Love your table, it is so happy. I think the doilies are meant to be placemats. Aren’t they big enough for plates?….Christine
Look at you making pillows and a runner. When I get some time I have plans on making some things too.
I love your blog and the way you write! I am so thrilled you joined in my Centerpice Wednesday party! I love how you came up with your centerpiece using garage sale finds! Fabulous! I too love the color orange and I think your pillows turned out so great! I have some orange burlap laying around and I think I just may make some for myself..but I do have a red kitchen…what the heck I love bright colors and I will find a way to make it work!! Great inspiration!
Karin 🙂
you have a darling dining room~
I love your yellow walls. And the orange does look great with them!
Great projects, Debbie! I especially love the runner- great fabric! Your napkin rings are really cute!
oh my gosh you are getting more clever by the day i love the pi;;ows and runner now i want to paint my kitchen yellow i cant beleive you got amber candel holders i just got a doz this is to much 🙂
Hey!!! Seems like forever! I could not read your comment, it disappeared when I clicked on it. It would be funny if it was some Debbie I don’t know and not you, lol!! Sorry I have not been around but we got so involved with our ministry and our cd we are working on and I cannot keep up! I can’t keep up with you anyway…I need some of your energy!! Love the orange accents! Love the runner and those napkins are SO cute. You always come up with such creative ideas anyway. You’re just having too much fun over here!
Will you throw some energy my way!!! I’m glad I’m not the only no sewer! I will have to go buy some of that this weekend!
What color is your yellow, btw and what brand?
Looks fab as usual!! LOVE the pillows!!
Love your dining room!
orange is a lively color Debbie! love the table runner! great setting:)
Look at you and your pillows! I love the burlap and what a change it made to your room. I am totally digging the table runner. How did you do it? Looks great!
I seriously laughed when you said you used “BM paint”. I was thinking she used bowel movement paint! ha! I want to paint my kitchen. I was thinking a golden yellow type color. When we bought this house everything was plain white and every hinge, door knob, lights was so generic! Ugh! We even have friggin vinyl floors! ACK! I can’t complain it’s our first home and I was 20 and my dh was 23 at the time and the house was only 4 years old too! I’ll quit complaining girl! 😉
I love that votive holder, especially now that it’s blue! I love that fact that you are not afraid to mix and match bold colors. You have a very good eye for what goes well together! :o)
Your yellow dining room looks great! Love the orange touches you’ve added to your table, great runner too!
Debbie, all of this orange looks great. I enjoy orange and think it is a great color. But let me tell you, you have done a wonderful job putting everything together in your dining room. It really is creative and beautiful.
Hi Debbie, ORANGE U GREAT?? I love it, you did an awesome job on your pillow and the table runner. Everything looks so nice. I have the same color walls and I love them, it’s such a happy color and I think anything goes too! Thanks for sharing and also for visiting and leaving your comment for my “Sweet Girl”.
I love that you put the table runner horizontal! And love the real oranges for decor!
Your title made me think of that Knock Knock joke with “orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” Okay, maybe too long with kids today 🙂
What an adorable post! I love all your bright, fun color! And that little pumplin… how cute is that little face on him! LOL! Loved this.
Happy Tablescape Thursday…
Sheila 🙂
I am very glad I came. Orange, you? Wonderful ideas and love the room. Very orange. And organge is one of my fave colors.
Looks great, orange is a very warm happy color! Garage sales rule!
You put things together so beautifully and effortlessly! Your table look so inviting, and vibrant..
What a lovely bright morning room you have!! And it makes me want to add some orange to mine!
You are amazing with color. I love the tray under the votives. And OMG thanks for the center background column. I was able to read right through everything. I am a table runner nut. I just got a steal of deal on one yesterday. GW half price sale. I will show you my .75 cent wonder soon.
I love the orange! (it’s my favorite color)
I really do love all the colors of your kitchen and I just might give the stitch witch a try.
Oh, I love those pillows! That is so cute and creative! I couldn’t agree more about yellow walls going w/everything. That is why I have had them in my last 2 homes! I love your new colorful tablesetting and really love that flower napkin holder! It’s all very pretty!
Orange looks great with yellow!! I am impressed! I really like the pillows and runner!
I love all the happy orangieness…
Your pillows are amazing! You have really inspired me. I like your table runner so much. Everything looks great.
Hey Debbie! I just found your blog and love it! My favorite color is yellow, so I would definately use it on the walls! Using oranges for a center peice is a great idea!! Come visit me at Mama’s Little Chick.
Mama Hen
So glad your new paint color is going with everything! I may have to copy-cat you when (if!) I ever get around to painting my kitchen. I love the orange today! Gorgeous runner, and with the centerpiece, so simple yet elegant.
Wow, the orange theme looks so fresh and beautiful! What a great idea, and I love your pillows too! Happy Thursday Debbie. 🙂
Color is so therapeutic! Great job with the pillows! Love the texture! So glad you’re having fun with your finds!
Oops wrong link on that last comment…
hello Debbie! What a marvelous room you have for dining. Love it! I really like the effect of putting the table runner across the middle of the table like that. You found some great garage sale bargains!!
Wow! What cool things you can find at garage sales!
Hey Deb LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!Those pillows are way too cute,great job!
Those pillows are fantastic!! Really beautiful!!:)
I LOVE orange! Such a great color showcased in your table 🙂
Lurv those pillows. No one ever has to know you didn’t sew them. Great use of colors!
We have a big neighborhood garage sale this weekend, can’t wait 🙂
Did you manage to get a sewing machine, trouble is you might get hooked, i buy a piece of fabric or two or three, you get the drift. Loved the fabric of your cushions. I made my curtain in something similar.
You would be so proud of me, Debbie. We just painted our main living space “Oklahoma wheat” –a very pretty yellow from Benjamin Moore. We did one accent wall in “apricot seashell” (we’re going for a tropical feel here in South Florida). I love how it came out! Yay for yellow!!
btw, I’ve got a link to your blog hidden in my post for tomorrow. As you know, i don’t blog about anything crafty so it’s a bit obscure, but I think you will know the link when you see it 😉
Debbie I simply adore all of your orange items! It’s such a happy and welcoming color. I’m already convinced I will use more of it in our next home.
Gorgeous post! ~Melissa 🙂
I LOVE the oranges and the table runner is totally cute! I’m going to have that orange face stuck in my head all day now.LOL
Love the pillows! I also am not one to sew.
Coming from Friday Follow! Have a great weekend 😉
Hi Debbie —
I like your pillows! Those turned out neat–very innovative! The texture is cool!
love, kelee
And of course I do like color…..:):)
love the funky table runner and your room is warm and inviting 😀
Those projects are lovely. Following you back.
The orange looks great! I love the pillow! 🙂
I love all the orange accents!! I do a similar thing with clementines in a trifle bowl.
I also used them to decorate my dd’s sweet 16 family brunch.
Loving the warmth of your orange look. Beautiful dining room.
What a beautiful space! I love all the details.
I’m hosting a blog party right now and would love it if you linked up!
That orange is cheering my right up! Love that modern vibe it gives off. Lovely vignette!
Thanks for linking up to Beth’s party! You were our number 1! Congrats.
LOVe the orange! I sew like you sew! lol I have NO patience at all and if a sewing machine is involved…it get’s UGLY!
I love your dining room! It is beautiful! Those windows! Stunning!
Lou Cinda 🙂
I love it! So fun, fresh, and summery! The blue and orange compliment each other perfectly and your table runner is fantastic (as are your pics). Thanks for linking up!
You seriously have an awesome blog! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello!
Have a great day!
Love the Table Runner!
Stopping by from Tatertots and Jello.
-Mama E
Beautiful Debbie! I love using orange, especially for Summer!! Great job on your no-sew projects! I love the look of the orange burlap! Great job!
Nice colors, you found such fun fabric for your runner. I agree with you about the color yellow.
WONDERFUL colors. I too have pale yellow walls and I agree, everything seems to go with it. Love how you always experiment and make it fun and interesting. It looks terrific.
I love your dining room! It’s so pretty! And the orange thing you’ve got goin’ on is cute. I’m off to find more pictures of your gorge house!