Have you ever been called a tease?
I think I was a time or two in HS…that’s another story! {JK}
What I am teasing you about today, is the NOODLE partay coming on June 20th!
I really hope you are all running out to the Dollar tree and picking up a noodle or two.
This was fun, fast and easy!
Yep, that’s me, all about FUN, fast and easy!
hope to see you girls on June 20th.
IF you missed my podcast yesterday, head on over to Karianne and Kelly’s new blog and check it out!
This looks so pretty and bright! I can’t wait to see it at the party! Have a wondeful weekend!
It just so happens that I sent Miss Whimsy to the DT a few minutes ago to pick up a few noodles for me. We have some at Mom’s pool, but we use them for noodling.
I really do love the noodle wreath idea. So many options.
Um you are a tease…I love what I see though. I’m going to head off and get a pool noodle and try and come up with something clever! Also, LOVED the podcast!! So fun to hear your voice!!
Looks cutey patootey from what I can see.
Sounds like fun! You are one busy girl!
havin a heck of a time finding mine. Been to 2 different dollar stores. when I do find them I’m getting several lol
Debbie, You are back in my reader. Will wonders never cease. LOL
I’ve got nuthin’! We just beat each other up with them and laugh like crazy! Can’t wait to see what fun stuff you’ve got up your noodle/sleeve!
Ha ha a noodle party! At first i thought you were talking about the food, haha : )
Lovely blog! I’m following it now. I hope you’ll check out mine – i write about love, life, and happiness : )
missshesaid.blogspot.com <3
Acck! you Booger Head! 😉 I want to see it ALL!!! haha! Can’t wait to see..love the color choice! Eeek! Got My noodles..now what to make!???
Fun & fast – I knew I liked you for a reason!
Love the green and white and of course the burlap 🙂
You are a tease! I can’t wait to see what you have come up with! Must buy noodles this week…got a few ideas stirring in my head. 🙂
I see polka dots! I got excited when I see polka dots! You are such a tease!
Hi Debbie, I missed the Copy Cat Challenge, but I hope to join the noodle party. That is if my idea pans out lol. I like your sneak peek cant wait to see the rest. I listened to your pod cast,loved it! It was great to hear your voice.
Yes, I was called that a time or two in school. 🙂 I’m sure this is adorable…like you!
OK…what great thing are you going to be coming up with now….??? Looks very intriguing….Love the pod cast!!
I don;t have a clue what I could make with a Noodle…not a single solitary clue. I just may have to sit this one out. bwaaaaaa
Oh you are such a tease! Looks so cute, whatever it is!
Hmmm, what are you up to now. Love ya girll, Ginger