Hey there everyone!
I suppose I am getting desperate for entertainment around here. That is, entertaining myself and getting my craft on.
Today, I am sharing how to mod podge a cloche.
It’s been a nice summer so far, no doubt. But about this time is when my youngest starts getting buggy on me and I can tell it’s time to go back to school…for both of us.
I love the boy, truly with all my heart, but quite frankly I can’t get much work done when he is home. I suppose this be the case for lots of work at home parents.
I did manage to get my craft on though, and it was very therapeutic for me.
It’s always nice to go in my craft stash and see what I can come up with. This rooster fabric I had left from
a recycled pillow project I did last year for our Summer porch.
I had the cloche already and decided it needed a little pizzazz!
I always mod podge in sections.
I used a regular small paint brush and lightly watered down my mod podge and painted it on the cloche one section at a time.
I cut the fabric in squares and simply layered it all around.
You can overlay the fabric as much as you see fit. Obviously any fabric of your choice would work.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, just have fun with it.
Certainly changes it up right?
I think it is still in dry mode here…I got a little excited and could not wait to take snaps.
More like impatient.
Thanks for stopping over today.
If you are not a regular, I sure would love to see you back again.
Pin it, save it, Make it.
If you like Mod podge as much as I do, please check out my gallery of Mod podge ideas.
LOVE this stuff…wish I could use it as facial peel instead of a hand peel.
wow, that is such a great idea, no limits where this could go!
I like this..I never get tired of anything with roosters!..
I had NO idea you could use fabric! How much more fun is that?! Great job 🙂 -Bev
Look so rooster cute great idea you got going on there thanks for sharing
Hi Debbie Dear! Oh, my goodness! This is so cute and who would have ever thought of this? You! You’re just as cute as a button!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
It’s adorable, and the fact that it has roosters on it makes me love it all the more 🙂
Make them boys craft with you, then you can enjoy them and get some work done.
hahaha…I am sure they would love it!
I’ve wanted to try mod podging fabric on plates but have never done it…you make it look so easy! Great project. BTW your blog looks great!
That would be a cute idea too Ann. I have used tissue paper on the back of plates, but don’t recall doing fabric.
Great idea!!!Always love a little “roo”!!~~Ang
How cute and so you! 🙂
Love your haircut and you look adorable as always!
Thank you Pat! XO
well sister girl you had me at hello with that mod podge cloche project. It’s adorable. Enjoying your little side video’s. You are cracking me up. Keep up the great work, you are as always my little inspiration.
Thanks Denise! XO
OK, llate (late late late late) t o this party but completely over the moon about this one! I was on a cheese dome buying frenzy a year or so ago, and then I lost that clochey feeling for a while. Now, I have these extra domes around. I want to do this. Love the finished product!
Hi Debbie..this is so easy..you can use any material:) Thanks for stopping over.