Sonny was very excited to share and join in this time.

She also gives a tutorial on this, and her rendition is certainly magazine worthy as well.
And my last feature of the day, is a dear blogging friend.
Bj, is always so encouraging and enthusiastic, you just can’t help but love and admire this woman, her spunk and zest for life just shines through.
Not to mention, this woman has some mad talent!
I look forward to next months copy cat challenge.
You have a whole month to browse mags and be inspired to come up with something amazing and fun yourself.
Feel free to grab my blab button on the side if I blabbed about you.
For the record, I have a feeling Walmarts across America are going to be packed today, and selling out of lampshades.
Thanks ladies for all the lovely comments on my Mr. Roo makeover!
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