Did I ever think a day in my life I could find another true love? I mean seriously, my husband is the ONE and only. Sadly, Mike might be taking a back seat, and he may be back there alone:). I have fallen madly in love with the instant pot. You see it all happened by accident. I wasn’t even looking. Isn’t that the way it always is?
Today I am sharing an Italian beef stew recipe in the Instant Pot.
These days you can find me over at Home Pressure Cooking. Sorry diy folks, but I am big time into cooking and creating fabulous meals for my family and friends.
I didn’t even know what an Instant Pot was up until a few weeks ago. We have all heard of pressure cookers. And God knows I love my crock pot. I don’t even have the room to keep this new instant pot anywhere but on the counter for now. Perhaps I will wind up retiring the crock pot to Goodwill. I do really feel this instant pot will take her place. Affair gone bad. Its time to say goodbye.
I bought the 6 Quart pot and it is plenty big enough. I would say for a larger family the 8 quart would work out great. When I say larger I mean 6 or more.
Pretty much the minute my new instant pot arrived I was very child like on a Christmas morning. I tore the box apart and quickly got out the manual. That in itself is unusual because I hate reading directions. For this pot though, I knew I had to. This was a bit intimidating for me.
I decided I would start of with a simple stew recipe. The meat was going to be the true test for me seeing how fast and tender it really was.
I even had the guts to hop on facebook live and do the whole process from start to finish on a live video. Of course, it is 3 parts because you have to wait some for everything to cook.
What I love most about this pot is the saute feature. So many times even using my crock pot I would saute the meats, or hamburger before throwing it in my crock pot. Everything always tastes a little better if a little saute is done before hand. Depending on what you are making that is.
Because I did not snap photos of the step by step I will simply write them down for you here.
Very, very, very simple. Did I say simple?
Did I mention the instant pot makes desserts too? Yes, you can make a cheesecake, brownies, creme brulee..OH my… this pot is brilliant.
If you would like to see my Facebook live demo you can check that out HERE.
The first thing I want to recommend, is PLEASE read the manual before using. You have to clean the inner stainless steel bowl and the lid before use. Then there is a testing option with water. I did everything accordingly.
Thank you so much for visiting with me today.
Want to check out the instant pot?
Affiliate link:
Instant pot 6 Qt.
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Please tell me more about this instant pot. I hadn’t heard about it before. I’m curious. Thanks
Instant Pot is the latest 3rd Generation Programmable Pressure Cooker designed by Canadians with the objectives of being Safe, Convenient and Dependable. It speeds up cooking by 2~6 times using up to 70% less energy, and, above all, produces nutritious healthy food in a convenient and consistent fashion. I personally love the saute feature before hand and then throwing in the rest of my meal. It’s really awesome Nancy.
That looks good. My folks just got an insta-pot a few weeks ago. Their still trying to figure it out.
Thanks, I’ve already checked into them, still curious…..
Thanks for your posts too, inspiring…. Nancy
No prob!
Debbie I purchased an instant pot a month ago. I took it out. Looked at the instruction manual and finally slipped it back in the box. I remember my dad pressure cooking years ago. I thought the whole thing would blow up one day, but my dad knew how to cook with that little regulator on top.
I just needed a positive boost to get this new and improved pressure cooker going. YOU are going to be my wonderful teacher. Yea!
Following and looking forward to the recipes and how-to’s!
Great Linda! It will be a learning curve but I promise a fun one. Don’t be scared lol.
Success! Debbie, I tried the italian beef stew after the initial steam pressure run. Oh is this such a tender, flavorful meal! The house smelled awesome, the dinner was awesome and I want to try another recipe. It didn’t blow up, lol. Reading the manual is imperative. Love it!
Wonderful Linda. I say it’s all uphill from there! I haven’t had a bad meal yet. I LOVE IT!~
I thought you were supposed to add the oil after the pot was heated on sauté until it said hot. They said it helps keep food from sticking to the bottom.
That is true Joann. This was my very first Instant Pot recipe so I was learning.
Did you sauté off the alcohol from the wine before you started the actual press cooking?
No, after pressure cooking it just enhanced the flavor.
What size can of tomatoes? 14.5 or 28 or? Thx! Looking forward to trying this.
I used the 28 oz. can. Thanks. Enjoy.