Sharing an Irish blessings printable..
yes, two posts in one day! I have some things I have to squeeze in before our trip.
But first
There is something you may not know about me…
and that
50% Irish
the other half
50% Italian.
I try to make light of it and joke often that my parents are divorced….
interesting combination is all I can say to that.
no comment MOM...keeping it light here today {XO}
But they do make some darn good looking, smart kids
For me I had the best of both worlds food wise.
I love Italian
and I really do like meat and potatoes too.
Ham and cabbage was a favorite of mine growing up…
{not so much corned beef though}
Although, I think I like it now.
but then give me a meatball on the side
and I was good to go.
This post really has no other significance except to share a little Irish Blessing,
as a little farewell {almost here}
before we leave for IRELAND!
8×10 printable for you
I am just about all packed, and ready.
Sure hope I get a good night sleep the night before, because based on our itinerary there will not be much sleeping at all.
Now that’s something I didn’t know about you! Cute prinatable. You must be getting so anxious!
This printable is so cute, love the saying.
That’s what I love about you, all that fire and sass 😉
Always learning something new about you, Miz Debbiedoo. 😉
So excited about your upcoming trip. You will have a fantastic time.
Love it too am 50% Italian by Father and My Mother was 50% Irish and 50 % German. She was the Best
cook in the whole world. Love your Irish Blessing and I;m going to Share Thank You for Making me
Smile in the morning when I open my emails!!
Love it! Sharing 🙂
I might have to print this up for my upcoming Irish Night Have a wonderful trip, Debbie..I know you will!
I think that the things the cheap kids room decorating ideas are going to do is help mothers more than anyone. Thanks for sharing this information.
Love this and have printed and framed for our family room mantle. Thanks for sharing this and have a wonderful trip – can’t wait to hear all about it and see pictures too.
My dad was Irish and my granddaughter was born on St. Patrick’s Day…so St. Patrick’s Day is special around this house….my granddaugher has a lot of your heritage as her grandfather’s heritage is mainly Italian!!…..Happy St. Patrick’s Day Debbie!!
Hope the trip was a safe one! I am 50% Irish but my Hubs is 100% Italian! His family still likes to tease him about it. “Couldn’t ya find a nice Italian girl??”. I adore them all. It is funny how times have changed since back when his Grandparent’s were kids! 🙂
Debbie, my grandchildren are half Irish and the other super half is Italian. I’m sorry, I am 100% Italian, but I have been to Ireland (last September.) I loved everything and would go back in a heart beat, but I’m saving for Italy;) I know you will have a grand time. Can’t wait to hear about your trip. I am a new follower of your blog.