Oh my who would think?
Grilled watermelon.
Recently my husband and I celebrated our 18 year wedding Anniversary.
Oh how the years fly by.
But I can honestly say, they get better and better
and I love my husband more today than I did the day I married him.
true!~ XO
Now onto How to grill a watermelon.
Ever hear of it?
Me either.
First, let me say, there is nothing like a good old fashioned bbq.
We saw one of these in a park last fall, and Mike and I both had a light bulb moment,
that we could have one too.
We found it online for under $100.00.
Best investment ever made.
Ok back to the grilled Watermelon.
All you do, is slice as shown…
Remove watermelon from rind
lightly sea salt both sides.
Let sit for 20 minutes
Brush both sides with Olive oil.
Grill both side for about 3 ½ minutes.
Oh so good!
And with Summer time fast approaching
who doesn’t love all things
You can also check out my
While you are here.
Don’t stop there! If you love Dollar tree, Home tours and Diy craft ideas. I have plenty of those too.
You can check out My ALL things Watermelon board..mmmmmm!
Happy Anniversary!! I absolutely must try this. I love watermelon and so do my girls…I can never keep enough of it around.
Oh yum!!! I totally want to try this! Now, we just need our yucky rain to go away so we can actually start BBQ-ing! Sounds like such a delicious meal Debbie and Happy Anniversary to you and Mike. 🙂 We’re coming up on our 15 year and I can’t believe it!
Oh my gosh!! This sooo makes me wish my grill was working. I want to try this, like right now. (I’m so not kidding!) WE love watermelon!!
I put grilled watermelon on my sand pail list for last summer. My husband just mentioned it yesterday, in fact. I am trying to decide which fruit which I’ve never grilled I’m going to try this year.
I have grilled allot of fruit but never Watermelon?
Looks Great I’m going to try it and let you know.
Thank You
OH! I want to come to dinner…looks so good! Happy Anniversary!
Will definitely try, I believe you :-). Must be good lol. I saw some postings on grilling doughnuts… That one I am not so sure about. Happy A day.
Happy Anniversary! I have not ever tried it, but I know we would love it! Will have to do t hat this summer!!!
XO Kris
Whoa, Debbie, beautiful looking bbq.! Happy Anniversary and now I know what’s for dinner tonight..Happy Wednesday..Judy
Happy Anniversary!!!I love watermelon..this looks so good.Thanks for sharing.
Mr. Art @ Home LOVES watermelon, and he loves to grill! Bookmarked it! We’ll try it next time we’re at the lake. Thanks, Debbie!
Felice anniversario :)))
LOVELY! And happy anniversary as well. C:
Never in my life would I thought about grilling watermelon! UNREAL! But I do love me some watermelon so might just have to try this! Happy Anniversary! God is Good!
Hugs and blessings, Cindy
I don’t know…. my mom once told me I’d like peas better if they were cooked, and I didn’t, so I might prefer my watermelon raw too. Could this be the post that shows I’m too chicken to mess with my melon?
Wow, that’s a new one on me- I would have never, ever thought you could grill a watermelon. Looks yummy!
Okay … this is a new one on me … grilled watermelon … not to sure “Mr. die-hard Texan” would go for that.
Looks delicious. Congratulation on your 18 year Anniversary. We will celebrate 63 years June 25th. Unbelievable … I don’t even feel that old … well maybe sometimes, I do !!!
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
Congrats to you Audrey!
Hey, I’m willing to give it a try!! I must ask…..is that a dark beer in the photo? Sounds good with steak and watermelon! LOL!! Happy Anniversary!!~~Ang
Yes it is Angela….