How fun to get some cookies delivered at your door step!
And for no special occasion.
Well, it is special because we get to try the Newtons new whole grain line of cookies.
Some of them anyhow.
I grew up with Fig Newtons.
Those were my Grandparents’ cookie of choice in the house.
In fact, I do not recall there being any other.
I always loved them even as a kid.
Now as an adult I still love them.
Did you know they are also low fat?
Sweet indeed when you’re counting calories and fat intake.
I have two very active boys.
Jack who is 11, and he indeed is a real firecracker!
I always say I wish I had half his stamina.
And Alex, my almost 16 year old!
Need I say more.
They keep me busy.
In fact, our lives are constantly “on the go”!
And these boys, like to go, go, go!
They of course are very active in sports, band and outside school activities.
The second, and
I mean the very second they walk in the door from school, they are in the pantry.
Keep in mind, dinner is in about an hour.
Trying to balance a busy lifestyle and incorporate healthy eating, is not always an easy feat.
These boys NEED to snack.
The new Grab & Go Whole Grain Fig Newtons are the perfect throw-in-the-backpack snack to help tie them over.
We also enjoyed the new whole grain variety Newtons has to offer such as
the Cherry Vanilla Fruit Thins with 8g whole grains per serving.
I was not sure what to expect when I tried the Cherry Vanilla thin wafer-like cookie.
I was pleasantly surprised at the distinct flavor of both the cherry and vanilla.
very good!
{Cherry Vanilla Fruit Thins}
Baked Apple & Cinnamon Newtons were waiting for the boys with a glass of milk of course.
They were the perfect filler for that waiting time before dinner.
You can bet I tried them too. The Baked Apple & Cinnamon ones were awesome.
I just expected them to be.
you see I love the combination…and if you are a regular around here you know I love the harvest season, so these cookies just delighted my senses.
And of course the good ole traditional Fig Newtons I remember so well.
As I mentioned earlier, I love the Grab & Go packaging.
How convenient for my boys to throw one of these in their backpacks, and if they get hungry they dig into a fig.
as you can see, they are a good source of fiber as well.
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On this site, you can enter to win one of three grand prize weekend getaways as well as many other great weekly prizes including gifts cards for athletic gear to help you look great when you are working out or Harry & David baskets to share with guests at your next party.
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Yum! We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Thins. We were looking at the Cherry Vanilla last night, so glad to hear they are tasty!!!
I am a huge lover of fig newtons! My Aunt BeBe used to give them to me as a kid, and I still love them!
fist thing i thought of was Grandpa well i will have to try the new ones for sure 🙂
I absolutely adore the fruit thins. My favorite is lemon but they are hard to find. I could totally eat a whole bag by myself!
Yup! My 10 year old boys are “snacky”. An apple before dinner isn’t cutting it. They want hardy food. I haven’t tried fig newtons in a long time. 🙂 Yum!
So funny…I was at the grocery store today and almost bought them…I thought….”no you don’t need cookies”, but they look wonderful and I think more “healthy” than oreos!!…I think I shall try the cherry!…Great timing Debbie!!
Great post! The fruit thins (at least the ones I’ve bought) are vegan too!
Grew up on Fig Newtons and they are my mother’s absolute favorites…she always has them on hand!
Handsome family there Deb!!!
My boys try to eat me out of house and home, too! Great idea to grab these for snacks for them … and me!
Debbie at my house we always had fig newtons growing up,. They where one of the allowed cookies in the house
Growing up in a family of six girls, it was hard to get to them before more sisters but I did,. Now my children are 30 and 28 also Love them and my Grandchildren love them So I am a Newton Lover too/ A nd might I add you have two very handsome young growing house and h. And probably waiting you out of home lol. It’s nice knowing your giving them a healthy snack. Thanks now I have to go get me some Newtons!!
Thank You