Good Day to you all. Today, I want to share an easy Pineapple egg puff recipe that I actually have had for many, many years. You may want to make this Christmas morning.
In my previous life I worked for an Oncologist in WNY. I worked in that office for 8 years. Sometimes, I look back and think to myself who was that girl? I say that, because today, I don’t think I could ever go back to that field of medicine. I remember having many down and out days. My heart hurt for many of the patients and families. There were a lot of happy memories though too. I became close with a lot of the patients. You have to remember, some were there almost every day receiving their chemotherapy. They gave me wedding presents, baby blankets when Alex was born, and gifts I still have and cherish all these years later.
I recall one day before the Holiday a nice woman named Beverly came in for her treatment. It was not unusual for patients to bring us gals treats around the holidays. Cookies, cakes, even home made pizza for lunch. They were a thoughtful group indeed.
Well Bev came in with a pineapple egg puff. I have to tell you, the puff was gone within minutes. The 3 of us gals in the office ate that up so fast. It is a very unique flavor combination. At that moment I recall running back into the chemo room and asking Bev for the recipe. I have made it from time to time throughout the years However, I completely forgot about it until the other evening before I was going off to la la land.
I woke up and dug out the recipe. Not sure how to describe it. What I mean is, as a dessert, as a brunch, or breakfast puff? Not sure, it is a tad sweet, but the eggs sort of set it off for breakfast food too. I have served this for a side with Ham dinner. Boy, is it a good combination.
Both my boys love it. Especially Jack because it has that kick of sugar in it.
As you can see I made two.
How about I give you the recipe now:)

Pineapple egg puff
- 3 Eggs
- 6 slices of bread
- ½ cup of sugar
- 2 teaspoons of flour
- 1 can of Crushed pineapple with juice 20 oz.
- ½ stick of butter
- You need a round 9 x 9 casserole plate, or tin will do. I found mine at Dollar tree.
- First spray the bottom of your plate or tins with non-stick cooking spray.
- In a frying pan take about a half a stick of butter and melt it. Take six slices of bread and cut off the crust and then cube it. Throw it in the frying pan and lightly brown the bread.
- In a separate bowl take your eggs, sugar, flour and whisk that up all together. Throw in your crushed pineapple juice and all and mix it up. Pour in your casserole and spread the bread on a single layer on top. Back at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. ENJOY!
Merry Christmas Debbie and thanks for all the great tips through the year!
Merry Christmas Lori! Same to you.
This sounds and looks wonderful….I am going to make this…i have all the ingredients in my pantry…
Merry Christmas Debbie!
Wonderful!Enjoy. Merry Christmas Shirley. XO
Family enjoyed this very much> it is yummy enough for dessert. Good for a special breakfast though.
This is so very close to a recipe my family calls Pineapple Bread. I’ve never seen a recipe anywhere else! We serve it as a side with ham for Christmas and Easter.
Yes that is when I serve it too! It is super yummy.
Can I make this the night before I serve it?
Absolutely! Just warm it up before hand.
Yummo~ doing this for Easter Sunday that we are invited to. Thanks Deb and happy Easter to you and your beautiful family
Thanks Kathy! Same to you all. XO