Picture of our Dining room.
This is when I was actually selling the set….
Believe it or not these are the only pictures left in my archives….here is my Dining room transformation story!
There was and is a complete long story on this room transformation.
I had to remove it, it was getting spammed like crazy.
Most of our collection have meaning to us.
They where either given to us or we picked them out together….This Iroqoiuse clock has special meaning to my husband.
It was his Dad’s and he said when he was a young boy he would stare at it for hours….well my husband recently reconnected with his Father after 17 years, and his Dad not really knowing the meaning the clock had to Mike, brought it to him when he last visited with us… husband had to replace the bubble glass and wasted no time doing so… is an awesome clock proudly displayed
My mom bought us this wine set some years ago, I forget if she bought it an an antique store or garage sale, we love it!
And then of course we have a PULPIT….doesn’t everyone?
Every PUB needs an ole time bartender…he is an oldie but goodie for sure, I believe he is from the 50’s era he is not that old…..but he is good!
SOme good photgraphs in here… is one fine example….
Those where the days when you could bring your dog to the old pubs!
This picture completely cracks me up.
Everyone should bring a bobcat,
a bar.
Recent picture with new camera
I still want to live with you at your house…even if we have to live in the magazine you will be featured in. You are awesome! Love the collections you have.
I just love this! What a unique and awesome space! You have such a great talent!!!
My husband would die a happy man if he could have this in our dining room! I let him have one room in our house and it is about 12×12!
This is truly amazing…what a great place for family and friends to gather…I love it!
Debbie, I'm freaking on the tin ceiling! I love this stuff, we have it in our kitchen, the old original stuff that we found in the loft of a barn, all old tiles that had been removed from an old building. If you look in my blog archives, there are photos of it in my "this old house" posts. We have just purchased 1400 square feet of more antique tiles and are having them restored for our log home. I LOVE IT! You're room is gorgeous!
I love your pub. That dining table was really pretty, but you don't need to keep what you don't use. Pub works much better.
Deb: I loooove your dining room pub area and the tin ceiling!!!….where did you ever find the pub? is it bolted down to the floor? Bet you have some fun times in there!!!
I would have loved to have been the lucky gal who got your dining table. So glad to hear the whole story behind the dining pub. You certainly do know how to live! I bet you will have many happy memories of times celebrated in this room.
Oh my gosh – that is awesome! My husband would be in heaven.
Always such a good story to hear!!! It turned out so perfect!
The pub suits you so much better! (a pub is a lot more fun than a dining room set!)
Definitely a much more used space now!
Wow! What a story! Incredible! Thank you for sharing. Anne
WOW!! That is quite a transformation and I DO think that you have special vision powers…I would have never thought of one nor the other. Joni
I think my husband would go into cardiac arrest if I did something like that but wow!! How cool!!
Debbie, love the pub and pulpit idea. This is a cute, clever post. Great story! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by HFTS. Hope to see you again.
What amazing pieces! I love the pub.
I love this! So many times formal dining rooms are wasted space, used maybe twice a year. How neat that you were able to turn this into a space that is special for your family. The bar is beautiful, and I love the pulpit! What a fun room. Kathy
Been there done that, cept I haven't sold mine yet. Can't. Long story. But I tell you, I will never spend that kind of money of "stuff" again.
That room is amazing! I loved the story. I really like how you think darling! I will have to take you on down south NC to my goodwill sometime, I think you would really like it.
Great looking bar. Took a picture of one that looked quite similar when we were on vacation last year.
certainly not a boring place to sit and drank, I like the bartender cup display
It's a really fun room and beautiful too, Debby!
That is really some makeover. The best part of it all, to me, is that you two agreed! He saw your vision and thought it good! (My first husband would have loved it too…this husband not so much..LOL
ok..the pulpet..he would like that prob'ly!
Mona 🙂
Such a great idea…so much more fun than a table you can't even touch 🙂 Love the ceiling too!
PS I picked up one of those lights we were talking about from Lowe's today! I know its going to be perfect! Now I just need the hubby to install it.
What a fun way to have your "dining room", I love the unexpected and have coveted that bar since I saw it on RMS a year ago!
Debbie~ this is such a great transformation! I'll bet you really do get so much more use from the room now! Beautiful!!
bold choice..and oh so perfect! what a great idea.
Great transformation from dining room to pub! I would never have thought about doing what you and your husband did because I don't think outside the box! Poor me.
What a great combo..a pulpit in a Pub…I love it! Just imagine what the sermons would be..hehe.
You're great Debbie!
What fun! You have really made a living space that is your own!
Great story and good photos. Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes,
I love the pub debbie, and all your great collections…Kathy
How fun! Who needs a formal dining room when you can have a pub? Love the saloon book 🙂
You are so amazingly creative. And you make things fun. What a neat family story and post.
How neat the dining room is a man cave LOL. That is really unique, I love it. It looks beautiful. Went and read about the pulpit. Interesting sign to acquire it.
You did an amazing job transforming that room! Gorgeous pub.
What a great idea! My dining room never gets used, ever! This is a more useable area now, love it! 🙂
what a wonderful transformation! Oh and happy P day from one "carolina gal" to another!
It looks great – we have a formal dining area and like you, never use it so it is wasted space. What a great idea for reusing and reclaiming and I love the ceiling, how do you come up with such ideas?!
I can't imagine any hubby not loving this room! Your hubby must be happy as a clam! Great thinking outside of the box!
WOW! I don't even drink (ahem well, much anyhow) and I heart your Pub!!! Amazing transformation.
I didn't know you moved to the Carolina's from South Florida. There are so many Floridians up there. My future in-laws did the same thing, and then all of their friends and neighbors ended up joining them. They're close to the Georgia border, and we love going up to visit them. The mountains are so beautiful!
I love that you decided to make better use of this space, and I'm happy your hubby agreed!
Do you use this room more now?
I would!!
Our dining room is now our reading/study room (we spread stuff out on the table to look over).
It's not used as a dining room, anymore either. got me to thinking.
And that's dangerous.
Debbie, it's gorgeous! i love it that way!
What a fun awesome space! great vision you had and good job to your husband on the ceiling, I love it!
Love the before and after shots. That tin ceiling and ligt fixture rock that room!
Wow! Some transformation! We in the UK know all about pubs of course! 😉
SO COOL!! Great thinking – I have always wished I had an eye for interesting pieces the way you do!
A pub, a mans dream come true 🙂
Just stopping by to say hi
🙂 Kristin
Oh wow – – – no more table at all? I would NEVER have thought of doing that! It looks great.
Debbiedoo – – – you are soooooooo good and faithful to come to my blog and leave comments and I feel that I have been SO remiss as your bloggy friend! Lately (since Costa Rica really) I just haven't had as much time for playing in bloggy land as I would like. I HOPE to rectify that situation once school is out – – – which is in exactly 16 more school days!!!
Thank you – – – I just want you to know I NOTICE and I AM THANKFUL and I LOVE you.
Wow, gorgeous room! I'm planning on building a bar in my family room later this year, I might "borrow" a few of your ideas if that's ok?
Where I live in Park City, UT, you can still bring your dog to the pub! There's a column in our local newspaper titled "More Dogs on Main Street."
Cheers and amen! 🙂
Who would put a pulpit and a pub in the same house?!? Only Debbie!! Oh, this pulpit is "divine" design (there's a TV programme with that title)! 🙂
I love the way you combine different elements, making them all feel part of your unique style.
Thank you to Mr. Doos for helping your fantastic wife so much. That ceiling is a masterpiece! Wow!
You are so clever and creative…
Darn, I guess those are C comments!
What a pleasant (sorry, that is such boring word but it's P week!), creative and fun space.
Really a neat stop today on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "P".
Who said dining rooms had to just have table and a hutch in them!
Can you please come to my house!!!
I left you a couple of little things over at my blog!!!!
The ceiling,the ceiling.I got stuck on that.Will look at it to my heart's content and then maybe appreciate the other things… Love what you did.Wish I had that kind of VISION!
Great job! It is AMAZING! My hubby really wants to do a tin celing in our kitchen! Yours turned out great! 🙂
I too have one of those formal dining rooms, but we use ours. My table and chairs were inherited from my father-in-laws house and we do not worry about if there are scratches, because there are! I also love the table because I can use it for crafts and when I have Bunko! I love yours, what fun and the only thing I didn't see was a drink recipe book!
lovely post want to move in
Wow….what a fantastic idea Debbie!! I need to do something like that with my dining room….great p post my blogging buddy.
I think that is one of the best stories I have read! I sat here smiling and throughly enjoyed it!!! You have a way with your man, you go girl! I love your blog and I am now a follower. I am a newbie and would love some followers or would be honored if you would just take a peek at my new blog filled with DIY, tip, tricks, and secrets! Thank You so much Carol
Good for you! You had a vision and you saw it through and now you've got a room everyone can enjoy everyday – much better than the most elegant dining room!
you are just so cool! what a fab idea!! love that history behind the clock~like it is time to re-connect with Dad~just awesome!! gives me goosebumps!
that is awesome! i am definitely keeping this in mind. =) thanks for sharing!
what a wonderful idea you had. very cool!!!
What a nice story! Glad to hear that you are enjoying your transformed space rather then living in fear of dents, scratches or dings.
Great job on the pub!
Such a great transformation, and so much better that it is now a space you can all enjoy. 🙂
It's fabulous. So clever, so pub-elegant. What a grand idea.
Hi Debbie, What a creative idea and a great story. It's sad to have a room all decorated and not used, but now that it is a "pub" I'm sure it is well loved. You are so creative, love it!
Ha! OK, you are nuts (in the very best possible way.) You can have someone preaching at all of the people drinking over at the bar. I love how daring you are with your decor. It's clear that you are not going to settle for normal and I'm glad you're sharing it with us.
I just adore your house. You have great talent. I am inspired. Just had another idea for the corks. How about a can holder made out of the cork stoppers??? Wouldn't that be awesome?
Happy decorating!