That’s right, that is exactly what I plan on doing this year!
Decorating with white pumpkins~
My friend Becca beat me to it.
But that’s OK, she inspired me, and it was so cute..
take a look.She used her Annie Sloan Old White chalk paint.

If I know Becca, she has more up her sleeve!
So you better be on the look out for Becca’s Fall decorating, she is AWESOME!
Here are some more white pumpkin decorating ideas.
Now y’all know I am not much of a white girl…
well you know what I mean…
I like a lot of color…
I like a lot of color…
I think I will mix the white with orange..
This looks pretty!
Maybe I could even do a little mod podge on them…

Look how pretty they look on a Thanksgiving table..
I am certain whatever I come up with in the next few weeks…

there will be a white pumpkin or two…
I made some white pumpkins reversible, one for Fall the other side for Halloween.
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