Are you confused over the title of this post?
Well you should be, it is all one big hodge podge of things combined in one.
You can only imagine the stress cleaning I have been doing to prepare for our publication in Country Woman Magazine.
Do I really need to clean the inside of my cabinets?
Well you never know, so I am anyhow.
I had a wonderful birthday celebration and have received so many wonderful presents this year.
I do every year, and really the best gift is the gift of life, family and friends.
But the perks that going along with a birthday are pretty good I tell ya!
Love this new platter my Mom gifted me, it came with matching pitcher which was damaged during shipping, she called them and told them to get one out STAT I have Country Woman Magazine coming. |
It is a gorgeous piece, and so full of color..thanks Mom! XO |
Then you have to check this out, and maybe try to make one yourself.
Same BF made these cool moss balls..all from natural moss, sticks and bark from her woods.
The only thing she bought was the Styrofoam ball from Michael’s. She said it took her time to make it, as she had to hot glue every little thing. It is super cool!
All I have to do is keep it alive, by lightly watering it when it gets dry.
Vintage rooster salt and pepper shakers that were my husbands Grandmother’s |
New faucet I have been wanting for a long time now, finally Mr. Doo’s caved in. It’s really fun to do dishes now. | NOT! |
And nothing could have ended my Birthday any nicer than to receive this nice package from my Blogging friend Kathy from Never enough Thyme |
Her daughter in-law Melanie makes these wonderful cookies, that I got to sample today. That was so sweet Kathy, and they were delish!
Thank you KATHY! It is so NOT necessary for you gals to send me gifts, or thank you’s really, it’s not
I just want all you newbies, oldies alike to know for me starting the newbie party has been equally satisfying and rewarding. I find more joy over watching you grow and connect with other bloggers. When I see it, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing I do have part in it.
Thanks for stopping by..have a great evening. I have BUNCO tonight, you can wish me luck, but I never win anyhow. I have fun though, and it’s a night out with the girls! WHOO HOO!
Hey one more thing, I know blogger has been a real pup lately. My problems have been loading pictures, takes forever! Also blogs are loading very slow, lagging, and now I see photobucket is having a problem. All these pretty buttons, are blank. Hope it resolves soon for all of us!
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French country home
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Cindy for Show and tell
French country home
The charm of home
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Oh Debbie it all looks wonderful. Your kitchen is gonna shine in that magazine!!! The new faucet is some nice bling bling too. I adore that moss ball and must try it myself. We have lots of moss in our woods. I have a fake one from PB but I like that living one you got. Glad your b'day was so special. Just like you!!!
Hi Debbie Dear! Good luck on your your game time tonight. Oh, that's such a lovely tray your mom gave you for your birthday! Hope your pitcher comes soon.
Your home is going to be gorgeous. They just be so amazed when they see your home in person! You're gonna WOW their socks off and they're going to love you! 😉
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
I like all the extra details on her moss ball she did a great job…
Oh! How absolutely cool is that! Your home is gorgeous inside and out…and um..I am sure your cabinets are just as awesome!
Blessings & Aloha!
Debbie, I just LOVE that platter that your mom gave you, wow it is stunning right there!!! I want to paint my new scale that same color…and so glad you like her deserve my friend!
Looks like you are ready!Your kitchen and all your accessories look great! Have fun at Bunco tonight…you never know if you're going to win!
Everything looks so pretty, Debbie…I love the moss ball!
Oh Debbie, what beautiful gifts! I could see each and everyone of them in my kitchen. Gotta love that moss ball though.
Have a wonderful evening,
I'm soooo pumped for you to get all this well deserved attention. You're the sweetest blogger EVER and you should be so proud!!
Oh I love all your birthday gifts! You are one lucky girl. Enjoy!
Congrats of the CW photo shoot! That is wonderful! Your kitchen is really pretty! I love that moss ball. I can't believe you can keep it alive, That is wonderful.
It looks gorgeous. Love the rooster sconce. Can't wait to see the photo shoot. That moss ball is really neat. Thanks for sharing. Have I wished you a Happy Bday yet?…just in case…Happy Belated Bday! xoxo
Hi Debbie, I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to hear all about it and I'm hoping I can get a magazine of your featured kitchen. Maybe I can even get you to autograph it for me 🙂
Have a great week!
Your kitchen gets more beautiful every day…or birthday! Love your pretty things and the fun you are having! Hugs! ♥
Oh I am so excited for you! Love that big old moss ball!!!! xxoo Diana
Your kitchen is just beautiful Debbie! Love that moss ball and vintage scale.
I can only imagine the stress of getting everything clean but from these photos it all looks pretty perfect to me!
wow we you did good Deb love the plater on the wall looks great and the rooster sconce is awsome and the knife holder and the rooster salt and pepper and the liveing moss ball is just to cute everything looks wonderful i know they will love your home:)
I love the lighting on your salt and pepper shaker photo! The platter in the background sets it off nicely. In fact, I love all your photos because the lighting is always stunning. And how did I happen to miss that you had a birthday? Happy Birthday to you!
Love all the changes you made and the gifts you received are so unique. Bet you're one nervous cookie waiting for the magazine.
I love all the gifts you received for your birthday. The moss ball looks pretty cool.
Awe I'm so excited for you!!! That roofing tile with the rooster is pretty darn awesome! I might have to dig around some of these tiles and do some modge podgin'
Happy Wednesday!
I think photobucket's been doing some sort of maintenance cuz I went to a few blogs and their entire backgrounds were gone and replaced with a message from photobucket. My Romantic Home button was missing too and had a message on it.
Aaaanyway, I love your moss ball! I made a moss topiary last year and I will never attempt it again. I was up til 2 a.m. and had moss and glue all over me, it was not fun:( All your new treasures are lovely and I'm so excited about your big magazine shoot!!!
Great stuff, Debbie. I love the roof tile sconce. I have always wanted the ones on Pierre Deux's site, but they are way too expensive. My sister has a scale like yours in black. I love the way it is shaped where you weigh things.
Great presents, love the faucet too!
You don't need another shed…you just need me to come over and organize your garage. I am VERY experienced at it now!
Also, belated happy birthday. So much happened while I was buried alive in my junk. So, I am also just finding out that you are about to be a magazine star! Too cool and you certainly deserve it!
Your kitchen looks amazing. That magazine will be lucky to have you gracing their pages!
Goodness, where do I start…First I want a cookie!! Next I love that scale! Glad you got hunk man to put in a new faucet, I have a high one like that and it is great for doing dishes. Lastly you deserve every cookie you get !!
Your kitchen is going to look spectacular!
I love the vintage rooster s&p shakers and the moss ball is so cool. Hope you had the best of birthdays!
Debbie, your kitchen looks great! I love your new rooster platter!! So pretty! That tile is just gorgeous too! I cannot wait to see your home in the magazine. I will for sure buy it!! You are just the sweetest! 🙂
Hey Debbie…I loved this post. My favorite thing is your heirloom salt and pepper shakers from your husband's family. You can't get any better than that! Hope Bunco was fun…~Ann
Ooo I cannot wait to see it in the magazine!! And your mom is the best, of course she has great taste! I'm so glad you told me about the moss balls! I love those and what a great idea! I will have to try some!
Happy Belated birthday Debbie! Your kitchen looks wonderful. Luv all the presents especially the rooster tile and moss ball!
You deserve all the wonderful attention. Looks great!
Looks beautiful, Debbie! And, Happy Birthday !! 29, right? *Becca*
Happy Belated Birthday! Mine was Sunday and I turned 47 so I'm a couple of days and a couple of years ahead of you. The years fly by don't they?
Your house is looking great. Gonna be an exciting day when the magazine peeps get there!
I've been gone on Spring break so it was nice to catch up on your blog. Always fun to visit!
I know this may sound alittle crazy,but I'm just as excited as you are about,Country Women coming to your home,I can't hardly wait!!
This is going to be sooo much FUN!!
Please take pictures of the crew @ work.
Congrats on the magazine photo shoot. I'm not sure if they will be taking shots inside your cabinets, but I know I'm a cleaning fool when I have family coming, so I can't imagine what you're going through having a magazine coming! Have fun at Bunco tonight!
Every spot looks splendid and I would be cleaning up a storm too!
Cock-a-doodle-doo! those editors are going to have fun meeting the chicks in the henhouse!!!
It'll be a blast to watch them produce your story!
Your kitchen looks amazing! Love all the new touches – that tray your mom picked out is so sunny & warm. That moss ball is gorgeous! Love it! Thanks for sharing.
The kitchen looks great! I must make one of those moss balls!
Just think how super clean your kitchen will be. You are a busy girl. Take your vitamins.
Morning Debbie. And a very happy belated birthday to you! You celebrate like I do! I have roosters in my kitchen too. Many are the pottery dishes that were my dad's mothers. I add to them all the time. And I love the old world, Tuscan charm too. My Mom, just last week, bot me a lovely Tuscan platter for my birthday!!! I hope your pitcher to that lovely platter arrives soon. When are the magazine peeps coming????
Love the rooster sconce! Happy belated birthday!
Great presents……too funny I noticed the scale right away!! Love it!!
I am so excited about Country Woman!!!!
How can you stand it…….don't forget to clean the top of the refrigerator too….just saying…..hee hee
How exciting to be in a magazine!! I'd be cleaning every nook & cranny too. I love your faucet!!!
I don't blame you, Debbie. I would probably Tilex every square inch of my house 😀
I can't wait to see your kitchen in that magazine!! Love the tray you got and the moss ball is awesome! Have a great day!
I can't imagine the cleaning spree you must be on! So excited for you!!
Hi Debbie, Looks like you had a great birthday and got some wonderful gifts. I can't wait to see your beautiful home in the magazine.
OH my goodness! I was sent to you from Ladybird and am I ever impressed. I'm a new blogger with a new site and wow…what an amazing job you have done! Thanks for sharing! Would love if you popped over to!
I agree with all the comments. Your home is beautiful and being featured in Country Woman Magazine will be perfect. Keep us informed when the issue comes out. I can buy one and say, Hey kids, I blog with her!!!!
Congratulations for Country Woman! How exciting. And a happy birthday too. Great idea with the Newbie Linky Party. Too bad I don't qualify for linking. You're invited to link up your giveaways at my brand new Giveaways 24/7 page.
So very lovely! The moss ball is beautiful…a touch of nature inside. No moss around here though so I will try something else. 🙂
Glad you had a wonderful birthday ~ you totally deserve it!
Oh no, I missed your birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday, Debbie. It looks like you had a fantastic day(s) & got some terrific gifts. I won't even bother listing what I like, because, well I liked everything! So excited about the magazine gig. And I knew you when you were just………..HaHa!
Happy Birthday Debbie–your rooster tray over the cooktop is beautiful, and so is the rest of your kitchen! I need a new faucet too. You have very talented friends and it seems all your relatives a good eye for great stuff! It is so exciting to have a photo shoot coming! Keep us posted on how it goes! Linda
Thanks for linking this up!
Everything looks beautiful!! Happy belated birthday to you. Can't wait to see your kitchen in the magazine.
Your kitchen looks fantastic~ soo excited for you that the magazine is coming to photograph your space!! The new faucet is gorgeous and is that little chicken wire creation from Miss Erin? Love it! Yes, it took sooooo long just to get a 3 photos to load for the party post! I have noticed the photo bucket thing too as well. I really hope they figure out what the problem is soon and fix it! Thanks for sharing this at my party! 🙂
Hi Debbie, Happy Belated Birthday, love all your great gifts, the moss ball is really cool, can you kill a moss ball? i could, LOL! Thanks for linking up to VIF! hugs Debra
So excited for you Debbie! We just posted a link to this on our Facebook Page so are friends over there can make sure to stop by and see your preparations! Thanks for sharing them with us on Inspiration Friday.
LOVE everything about this kitchen! Congrats on your feature:-)
Love, Love the moss ball. I am so inspired by it.
Congrats on the feature, way to go….
Thanks for sharing.
Morning girl…everything is so pretty and congrats on you upcoming magazine shoot! Loved see all you treasures…have a great Sunday…Picket
Every time you mention CW coming to your house, I get excited for you all over again!!!!! Your kitchen is looking fab(I too would have cleaned the inside, lol!) and I love your birthday gifts! If you get tired of them, let me know so I can fight whom ever wants them!!!!LOLOLOL!!! Just kidding, but still, hehe.