Yesterday was Jack’s 10th Birthday! hard to believe my little guy is in double digits now.
Jack loves to fish and that is what he wanted to do yesterday.
Mike was working.
So what is a Mom to do? I certainly could not say NO.
So I bucked it up, and headed over to a friends house on the Lake.
I knew my own dilemma would be to get the hook out of the mouth.
It was not so bad, a glove and pliers does the trick.
Jack is very patient when it comes to fishing. You see he can sit there for hours like you are suppose to.
Alex on the other hand wanted NO part of it…
In fact I am pretty sure he is out there with his friends talking about girls!
Alex is the one in the blue life Jacket, I love teasing him about his new found muscles.
Jack caught around 5 fish. They were all small, but none the less they were a catch.
Now this is one UGLY duck. This little guy was a begger, and Jack and I cracked up, because he would not leave the area, all he did was sit there and flap his mouth.
We did give him the left over worms.
Later on in the evening, we went out to dinner just the four of us.
Then our friends invited us over for a bit. They have a cotton candy machine…
you put two pieces of candy in it, and then wait for it to heat up and take your cone and swirl it around.
Jack chose jolly ranchers, oh that was so good TOO!
All I can say, Is Jack we LOVE you so very much!
You were not the best of babies,
always full of energy,
crawled out of your crib at nine months old…
never slept well..
You bit your brother, not sure how many times..
(Super Nanny helped me lots, the naughty corner was his enemy)
(Super Nanny helped me lots, the naughty corner was his enemy)
You kind of scared me as I thought I had a little terror on my hands.
You truly grew up to be the kindest, sweetest most loving little boy I know.
Not to mention…you are one cutie PIE!
See you all later for the newbie party.
Oh, I love that you "bucked it up" and went out anyway. LOL! I love to fish and can't wait to take out my little guy. Hope he had a great b-day 🙂
What a great mom thing to do. I'm sure he completely enjoyed his birthday because of that. He is a serious cutie pie. He has those gorgeous eyes – the girls are going to be calling at your place in a few years. 🙂
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! 🙂 10 is a great year! 🙂 Hi, Im Meme from Screaming Meme…I want to personally invite you to come visit my blog and sign up for my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Giveaway! I hope to see you there! Now, I am off to read some of your lovely blog!
Happy birthday, Jack!! What a great day y'all had and he is too cute. Love his hair.
You're such a good mom, Debbie! Looks like you had a wonderful day!
Jack, sweet boy, Happy Birthday ! Debbie, absolutely you all enjoyed so much. Being a mum is so proud of.
Awe…Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Jack! At the risk of embarrassing you, I totally agree with your Mom, you are a cutie pie!
Debbie, that was a great Mom-Son thing to do. You know, regarding that duck — maybe he was trying to say he wanted to do some "Blogging & Blabbing!" lol!!!
Happy Birthday to your son! Sounds like you all had a good day.
Happy Birthday Jack!
What a wonderful mother you are! My daughter also grew up loving to fish. Happy Birthday to your adorable son 🙂
Happy birthday to your little man! He is so darn cute!!! My youngest son used to crawl out of his crib and tear his room apart, I stopped giving him naps before he was 1 because it just wasn't worth all the tidying up!
Oh they grow so fast…enjoy!!!
Oh what precious pictures. Such a great mom to go fishing. He is a real cutie, and it looks like a great day. Hugs, Marty
He sure is a good looking boy! Wait till he grows up some more!!!
He is a cutie-pie Debbie!! Happy Birthday Jack!! Martina
You guyz had a great day and Happy B/Day to your Jack!
The lake is always relaxing for me. Just what I need this mornin Have a good rest-o-the Sunday.
Happy Birthday, Jack!
My aunt has those same ducks in her apartment complex in Florida. They look like they are wearing masks.
Happy B-Day, Jack! That duck is sort of scary looking, not as bad as the squirrel with funky eyes though.
Happy Birthday, Jack. OMG, I've never seen a duck like that and I hope I never do LOL.
What a handsome boy and what a fabulous mama for taking him to do something he loves! Sounds like a wonderful day! 🙂
Happy Birthday to Jack! Gosh, he is totally adorable! and I hope he had fun fishing–and what a precious memory, Debbie.
What a sweet post for Jack. He is a cutie that is for sure. I've never seen a cotton candy machine, how cool is that. Great job on taking him fishing! I would have enjoyed that too except for the taking the hook out the mouth part. Yuck! LOL!
Oh my what a cutie, really adorable and that dimple, lady killer…I always wanted one of those cotton candy machines! Love this post
Happy B-day to Jack. He's a cutie. Sounds like it was a great day for all of you. 🙂
I can relate a bit. My son was the perfect baby, but once he turned two, he was a terror. (The terrible twos lasted several years for him – lol)! He'd have so much energy, he'd literally bounce off walls and was always covered in a sheen of sweat cuz he kept going, going, going. Once he turned around 10 or 11 and I started homeschooling him, it was like a switch went off, and he mellowed out. Now he's one of the most mellow and empathic people I know.
Double digits is a big deal! Enjoy it all! Blink and their grown.
Awwww, what a handsome fella! Happy birthday, Jack!…Christine
Oh my goodness..what a cutie pie! He's going to be breaking hearts (or already is). Happy Birthday to your special guy!!
I'm so glad Jack had a nice birthday! He IS a cutie pie! 🙂
How sweet that you went fishing with him for his birthday.
He'll remember that day for a long time.
Hope you have a great week! 🙂
happy birthday to your handsome young man,, so good looking,, won't be long he'll be out their in the water with the girls too!beleive me,, time flys,, (hence the name of my blog),, my boy is 34 and my daughter is 36,, just in a blink,, my youngest is 31,,now a cotton candy machine would be very dangerous around this place,, I love cotton candy,,, that looks very yummy and you're right,, thats one ugly duck!Maybe he has a good personality,
What a wonderful birthday for your young man! I am so glad that you didn't have more damage from your storms. It was bad enough from the pictures. Enjoy your week!
Happy Birthday Sweet Jack!!!
Boys are the best! Looks like you had a wonderful day with your handsome guys!
Oh boy, you are going to have the girls calling Jack! And, you give me hope with your difficult baby story! Our daughter may "grow out" of it. Yes!!!
Awww, what a doll! Happy big 10th birthday to Jack.
(Your a great Mom to take him fishing.)
Happy Birthday Jack! You share a birthday with me, except I am quite a bit older.
Looks like you had a great time!
Happy belated birthday, Jack!
Looks like he had fun fishing, but I agree, that duck isn't good looking!
Happy Birthday Jack!
How sweet Debbie. What an awesome Mom you are!! Double digits, wow. You'll have to scrape me off the floor when that happens. LOL He sure is a cutie pie!
Aw that pic of Jack is the best. He is so handsome! Just catching up on your blog posts sissy!
Aww.. happy birthday to your son! I cried when mine hit the double digits 4 yrs. ago! and so sweet how you 2 went fishing together!!